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Dr. Burcu KaramürselObstetrician, Gynecologist, Genital Esthetic Surgeon in Turkey
M.D. Burcu Karamürsel

Cosmetic Gynecology Turkey

What is cosmetic gynecology?

Cosmetic gynecology Turkey covers all the medical and surgical procedures applied to the external genital organs (vulva and vagina) to improve function and esthetic appearance.Most of the procedures aim vaginal rejuvenation and better sexual function. It is a growing subspecialty of gynecology and has become enormously popular in the recent years.

What is the scope of cosmetic gynecology?

Cosmetic gynecological procedures may be needed to reverse changes in the vagina and vulva which are caused by childbirth, hormonal changes or aging. These changes may disturb sexual function, decrease self esteem or cause functional problems such as urinary or fecal incontinence.

Cosmetic gynecology also covers the procedures applied to create a neovagina for patients who were born without a vagina.

Some cosmetic gynecology Ankara procedures are designed to reverse the problems caused by female genital mutilation (female circumcision)

Hymenoplasty performed for traditional reasons can also be considered as a cosmetic gynecology İstanbul procedure.

What are the cosmetic gynecology procedures?

There are several surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic gynecology İstanbul procedures.

Non surgical procedures may be summarised as:

  • Non-fractional laser treatments
  • Radiofrequency applications.
  • G Shot
  • O shot
  • Vulvar bleaching
  • Vaginal estrogen therapy
  • Pelvic floor exercies (kegel)

Surgical procedures may be summarised as:

  • Labiaplasty
  • Vaginal rejuvenation (tightening)
  • Perineoplasty
  • Clitoral hood reduction (cliteroplasty)
  • Labia majora surgical reduction
  • Puboplasty-pubic lift
  • Vulvar liposuction
  • Labial puff
  • Hymenoplasty

What are the non surgical cosmetic gynecology procedures?

Recently new technology has been introduced into the field of cosmetic gynecology such as laser and radiofrequency devices. There is still research going on in the scientific field to supply enough evidence based data to justify the use of this technology for the treatment of vaginal menopausal atrophy and mild urinary incontinence.

Non-surgical techniques to improve sexual function have been described such as the O shot (orgasm shot) and G shot. These can be applied as outpatient procedures. Synthetic or autologous (patient’s own fat or platelet-rich plasma) fillers are used to augment the G spot (on the anterior vaginal wall) or cliterovaginal complex.

G shot and O shot are different procedures. G shot is the term that describes the filler injection applied to the hypothetical G spot on the anterior vaginal wall which is believed to play a role in female orgasm.G spot is believed to be located 5-8 cm from the enterance of vagina on the anterior wall.The filler material may either be synthetic hyaluronic acid or patient’s own fat tissue which is retrieved by liposuction and then prepared as a homologous filler ready to be injected under the mucosa.Patient’s own fat tissue is more advantageous in general to be used in the vulva, because it contains stem cells which have anti-aging effect. The main purpose of G shot is to improve orgasmic function.

O shot is the injection of PRP (platelet rich plasma) under the mucosa around G spot, clitoris and vestibule.Around 20 cc of blood is taken from the patient’s arm vessel, centrifuged, photoactivated in some clinics and then injected to improve orgasmic function and also rejuvenate and regenerate vulvar tissues because the centifuged plasma contains growth factors which can function to stimulate collagen synsthesis and new vessel formation (neovascularisation). The main purpose of O shot is to improve orgasmic function, to decrease dysparonia (pain during intercourse) and to increase libido.

Vulvar bleaching has become very popular in the recent years and more and more patients are seeking solutions to reduce the darkened appearance of the vulva caused by child birth, aging and hormonal changes. Ablasive or non-ablasive laser technology is used to lighten vulvar colour. It is also known as skin whitening.

4-5 repetetive sessions may be needed for non-ablasive laser whereas 2-3 sessions may be enough with ablasive laser treatment. Vulvar bleaching is not a permanent procedure, the skin may redarken in future and the laser procedure may need to be repeated.

Kegel exercises can be regularly repeated to increase pelvic muscle tone and thus increase pelvic floor stregth in patients with pelvic relaxation. Pelvic relaxation is the term used to describe the weakening in the pelvic floor muscles caused by aging, chilbirth, gravity and increased intraabdominal pressure.

The pubococcygeous muscle should be contracted and relaxed repetetively a few times a day to increase its tone and strength. As the muscle tone increases in time, it supports the vaginal walls and prevents prolapse of bladder and intestines and rectum into the vagina.

What is the role of laser in cosmetic gynecology?

As mentioned above laser energy is being used for several purposes in cosmetic gynecology. One of the common uses is vulvar bleaching. Research is also going on to support its use in the treatment of menopausal atrophy and mild urinary incontinence.

What type of surgical procedures are performed in cosmetic gynecology?

Labiaplasty: It is the surgical procedure which decreases the size of one or both labia minora (inner vaginal lips) when they are too long, saggy or asymmetrical, protruding between the labia majora (outer vagina lips). It aims to give the vulva a more esthetic and youthful appearance and decreases functional problems related to stretching of labia and irritation. Labiaplasty in Turkey

Vaginal rejuvenation (tightening): This surgery narrows the vagina, to reverse relaxation caused by aging, chilbirth or increased intraabdominal pressure.It aims to improve sexual function and correct functional problems related to the vaginal laxity.

Perineoplasty: It may be performed to improve the appearance of vulva, by removing episiotomy scars or hyperpigmented tissue between vaginal enterance and anus.

Clitoral hood reduction (cliteroplasty): It is the removal of excessive tissue covering the clitoris for a more esthetic appearance in equilibrium with the labia and to increase the sensitivity of clitoris for better sexual function.

Labia majora surgical reduction: When the labia majora (outer vaginal lips) have excessive fat and skin, their size may be reduced surgically. Surgery is a better alternative to liposuction when there is excessive skin, especially after bariatric surgery due to sudden weight loss.

Puboplasty-pubic lift: Just as labia majora reduction, puboplasty can be performed to remove excessive skin and underlying fat tissue, if there is bulging of vulva in tight clothes, or there is excessive skin after bariatric surgery, or retraction of scar tissue after phannenstiel incision of cesarian section.

Vulvar liposuction: In addition to liposuction of buttocks, thighs or tummy, vulvar liosuction can be performed when there is excessive fat deposition in vulvar area. It is also possible to perform liposuction of different body parts concomittantly.

Labial puff: When there is loss of volume and wrinkling in the labia due to aging, menopause or sudden weight loss, synthetic or autologous fillers may be injected homogenously to plump the labia for a more youthful appearance. Autologous filler is the term used to describe the fat tissue obtained from the patient by liposuction of the thigh or other parts and processed to be injected back to the vulva.

Hymenoplasty: It is the surgical restoration of hymen by narrowing vaginal inlet, because it is accepted as the proof of virginity in some cultures.

Who performs cosmetic gynecological surgery?

Cosmetic gynecology Antalya procedures can be performed by gynecologists or plastic surgeons who received extra training in cosmetic gynecology.

Cosmetic gynecology is an era that has become increasingly popular in the recent years. As this trend is emerging, many different procedures have been described with very little scientific validation, in addition surgeons with very little experience in genital surgery are performing these procedures and may cause complications and damage to women’s genital area.

Who is a candidate for cosmetic gynecological surgery?

All women can be a candidate for cosmetic gynecology if they have following concerns:

  • Pelvic relaxation due to childbirth and aging
  • Decreased self esteem about vulvar appearance caused by aging, decreased tonus, wrinkling, hyperpigmentation (darkened skin colour),asymmetry .
  • Asymmetry, sagging or bulging of inner lips
  • Increased fat tissue in the venus hill or outer lips which makes the area prominant in tight clothing
  • Need of hymenal reconstruction for cultural, religious reasons
  • Involuntary leakage of urine with laughing, coughing, sneezing, jumping
  • Involuntary leakage of gas or feces

What are the benefits of cosmetic gynecology?

After cosmetic gynecological procedures, most women state that they have better self,esteem, increased libido and sexual satisfaction

Pelvic relaxation and prolapse affects sexual function and when repaired, sexual function improves.

If there are problems such as fecal or urinary incontinence caused by pelvic relaxation, they can be fixed to obtain a better life quality.

What is the cost of cosmetic gynecology procedures?

The cost of cosmetic gynecology Turkey procedures depends on several factors. Type of surgery, type of anesthesia, whether it can be performed as an outpatient or inpatient procedure, which hospital is chosen and length of hospital stay affects the total cost. It can be estimated more clearly after an online or face-to-face consultation with the surgeon-in-charge.

Burcu Karamürsel, MDDr. Burcu KaramürselObstetrician, Gynecologist, Genital Esthetic Surgeon in Turkey
+90312 219 2233+90545 219 2234
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  4. Dr. Burcu Karamürsel